Samstag, 27. Juni 2015


Die Verweigerung des Prinzips vom Widerspruch führt in normalen Systemen zur Explosion. Aber es gibt demgegenüber auch tolerante Systeme, diese entspringen der parakonsistenten Logik.

"Other logical systems do not explode in this manner when contradictions are introduced; such contradiction-tolerant systems are known as paraconsistent logics."

Because dialetheists accept true contradictions, they reject that logic alone can prove anything at all because anything at all is possible. According to dialetheists, evidence is always needed, and we cannot conclude anything for certain outside of our own immediate experiences, which cannot be described perfectly with words.

"the whole point of the dialetheic solution to the semantic paradoxes is to get rid of the distinction between object language and meta-language"

"All statements are false" is a true statement.
"There are no absolutes" is an absolute.
According to dialetheists, these statements are not derived from logic (which they say is false), but are instead descriptions of experience.

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