Montag, 12. Januar 2015

Hegel and Aristotle or Kant and Plato

This comparison of Redding is really interessting. It breaks down Aristotle's relation to Hegel as a denial of the supersensible.

"Aristotle  was a critic of the 'supersensible' in the form of Plato's theory of ideas, and this had systematic concequences for his way of thinking about Kant's transcendental methodology he invented - 'analysis' - and which he opposed to Plato's own method - 'diaresis' or the method of division. For this part, Hegel was critical of the supersensible aspects of Kant's philosophy and this also had systematic consequences for his way of thinking about Kant's transcendental methodology." Redding, P.: Analyic Philosophy and the Return of Hegelian Thought. Cambridge University Press 2007:28)

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